Categories: Blogs

Say It With Your Chest

If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.

Audre Lorde

Long story short, this Women’s History Month we are all about affirmations. Affirming ourselves, our dreams, our goals, our relationships- EVERYTHING!

Yall know I like to write in “I” statements so I’ll say that something I’ve noticed about myself is my ability to shrink. And not only my ability, but the quickness in which I choose to shrink in situations where I have the ability to shine. I haven’t been able to place a finger on exactly where this tendency originates from, but I’ve been doing the work family. I’ve been paying attention to my responses and reactions, how my body feels, how my mind moves, and how my feelings lead. I don’t always like what comes up, but I let it come up and this month, instead of letting it come up and honestly pushing it back down, I’m going to affirm it!

Being in a practice of affirmation has always moved me in ways that I never gave words the credit for. When I first started this blog I also started a podcast on self care where I tried to complete a to do list of 15 self care practices for 21 days. Now, I know I was tripping, but I needed the care and though it was a struggle I figured out what things I really enjoyed and what things I just did to say I did. Affirmations was definitely on the really enjoyed list, especially using quotes from ancestors and teachers in our community who I look up to and am inspired by. I fell off as we do when other things in life pick up but I’ve learned a major lesson from this pandemic.

Check Out Season 6 of our Self Care Podcast here!

The lesson was that enjoying life is the mission. My mental, physical, and spiritual well being are the top priority. Everything else has to come after because I can’t truly enjoy anything else without having those in check first. It took me 2 deep years in it, but I see the light and I’m gonna let it shine! Our words are like spells and they have the power to trick our minds. I am tired of tricking my mind for bad, it’s time to fantasize my way into some luxury. Buddha has a saying that goes “what you think you become.” Well, I’m working to become grateful, peaceful, loving, joyful, and healthy. I have to affirm these things to help usher them into my life. I have to trick my mind into believing we are already there so I can moved in the right ways.

Will a month of affirmations change my life? I have no idea, honestly. I’ve never been intentional about it and since last month was about clarifying and setting intentions, this month I’m better prepared to be in the practice. I’m nervous, but I’m also excited. I’m hoping that you’ll join me on this journey and we can unpack our ability to commit to ourselves in this way next month! Let me know in the comments if you’re down!

Last Month Post on Intentions 🥰

All the gratitude for the love and space you all share with me! Sending you love and light. Stay safe.

B 💚❤🖤✊🏾


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